Terms of service.

General Liability: By booking an MOT/Massage/Chiropractic Treatment you consent to the following:

1 - I give full permission to receive a Massage or Chiropractic Treatment.

2 - I understand that Sports Massage is not a substitute for medical treatment or medications.

3 - I have clearance from my physician to receive treatment.

4 - I release Rian Corbin Fitness and the individual therapists Rian Corbin, Kia Slade and Francesca Allison-Lewis from all liability concerning any injuries that may occur from the Massage or Chiropractic Session.

5 - I understand the importance of informing the Therapists of all medical conditions and medications I am taking which may add additional risks to Sport Massage to my general condition.

6 - I understand that it is my responsibility to inform my Sport Massage Therapist during the session of any discomfort so they can adjust accordingly.

7 - There is a 24 hour cancellation policy, if you cancel or don’t attend your appointment in this period, you will be charged the full amount of your treatment.

8 - Inappropriate behaviour or any sexual component insinuation to Sport Massage, joke, gesture, or request will result in immediate termination of the treatment & refusal of any services in the future.